Learn French by Podcast

Learn French by Podcast

Plus Publications


Learn French by Podcast is an exciting series of French lessons for everybody. Work with high-quality audio podcasts in your own time and at your own pace. Want to clarify some details? Something you couldn't quite understand? Then download comprehensive PDF Guides which elucidate all the finer points. Learn French the fun way.


211: Les rénovations se paient cher … à moins que l’on ne les fasse soi-même!

This time, our lesson relates to a DIY job that frightens off a lot people, that is, laying tiles. Let’s start with a dialogue.


210: ‘Que penses-tu de chatGPT? Faut-il en avoir peur?’

Since the launch of chatGPT in November 2022, everyone is talking about it. Some are in awe of its potential while others go so far as to say that it represents an existential threat. Let’s talk about this technological evolution in this lesson.


209 : Vers une société sans argent liquide

It seems we are inexorably headed towards a cashless society. It is not uncommon now for some retailers to even refuse cash payments. What are the consequences of this development? Let’s talk about it.

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